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Military Lifestyle Resources

Blue Star Welcomes Military Families


Each year, 600,000 military families move to a new duty station. To make the transition easier, Blue Star Welcome Week (running from September 23 to October 1), introduces these families to people, organizations, and resources in their new location.

To discuss Blue Star Welcome Week, and how it helps address issues that military families face after completing a PCS move, Sarah Bumgardner, AAFMAA Director of Partnerships and Member Engagement, spoke with Leah Love, Associate Director of Community Impact at Blue Star Families. Love leads community-based corporate partnerships to support military families and is the project lead for Blue Star Welcome Week. She has been a Navy spouse for more than 18 years and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Michigan, with a focus on Secondary History and Political Science Education.

Relocation can cause financial stress for military families, especially when it comes to housing costs. Blue Star Welcome Week connects families to local resources, such as free financial counseling, aid societies, and additional resources, such as AAFMAA’s Career Assistance Program (CAP) Loan.

To learn more about how Blue Star Welcome Week helps servicemembers adapt to a new duty station, visit bluestarwelcomeweek.org and watch the discussion below.