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Strengthen Your Family with Programs That Enhance Your Well-Being


United Through Reading (UTR) and Partners in PROMISE are devoted to education and literacy. UTR’s mission is to get military families reading to create a stronger future. Partners in PROMISE works to ensure military families who need it can access special education. By enhancing quality time together, these programs help tighten family bonds and help create emotional well-being. To discuss opportunities, you can take to enrich your family’s literacy and emotional well-being, Sarah Bumgardner, AAFMAA Director of Partnerships and Member Engagement, spoke with Molly Haskin, Director of Army, Air Force and Space Force Programs with United Through Reading and with Michelle Norman, Executive Director and Founder of Partners in PROMISE.

Molly Haskin is a certified Speech Language Pathologist, who received her Masters of Science in Communication, Speech, and Hearing Disorders from East Carolina University. She is an active-duty military spouse of 16 years, and currently lives with her husband and their two children in Fort Rucker, AL.

Michelle Norman is a Navy spouse and mother of a 20-year-old daughter with cerebral palsy and other medical diagnoses. Her experience led her to become an advocate for all military children with special needs and their families. Norman earned a degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and worked as an Environmental Engineer civilian with the U.S. Navy until her daughter was born prematurely. She currently lives in Virginia Beach.

To learn more on how literacy and education can help enhance your family’s wellbeing, visit United Through Reading and Partners in PROMISE and watch the discussion below.


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