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Military Benefits

Have You Prepared Your Survivors?


Every AAFMAA Life Insurance policy includes our hallmark Survivor Assistance Services. In the event of your death, your family will be in the care of an experienced AAFMAA Survivor Benefits Coordinator. We will assist your survivors in applying for and receiving the military and government benefits you have earned through your service.

AAFMAA will walk your survivors through each step of receiving your benefits, answer any questions your survivors may have, and help them know what to expect during this process. What’s more, the Survivor Benefits Coordinator will review the life insurance settlement options available with your AAFMAA policy, so your beneficiary can make an informed decision about which option best meets their needs.

AAFMAA relies on the information you provide to be complete and accurate, so we can swiftly process claims and secure benefits and entitlements for your family. Help ensure everything is in order by reviewing your personal and military information on the AAFMAA Member Center today. There are several essential documents that AAFMAA needs so we can help you efficiently apply for entitlements. You can easily upload them into your Member Center Digital Vault, which offers secure access to your documents anytime, anywhere.

Actions to Take Now:

  • Ensure your AAFMAA Member Center profile is accurate and complete.
  • Upload these essential documents to your AAFMAA Digital Vault (as applicable):
    • DD Form 214, preferably copy #4 showing type of separation and character of service
    • VA Disability Awards (letters which list the service-connected conditions)
    • Recent Retired Pay Statement or Leave and Earning Statement
    • Marriage/Divorce documents
    • Birth Certificates for dependent children
  • Check your life insurance beneficiaries. Make sure they are up to date (including current, legal name, their relationship to you), and provide the insurer with your beneficiary’s contact information.
  • Inform your spouse of the monthly compensation(s) they should expect to receive upon your death:
    • Survivor Benefit Plan (if applicable)
    • Social Security
    • VA entitlements for a service-connected death
    • Other pensions
  • Complete an AAFMAA Access Authorization form if you would like to grant access to your records to another trusted party.
  • Ensure you have a Power of Attorney to designate a person responsible in the event you cannot make decisions on your behalf.

Take time now to review our Survivor Assistance Services Pre-Planning Checklist, a helpful resource to help prepare your loved ones for the future.

We always welcome the opportunity to meet with you, your family and/or your personal representative to ensure all of your documents are current and the appropriate processes are in place for a smooth transition. To help us best serve you, please contact us at 800-522-5221 to schedule an appointment.

This article was originally published March 19, 2019.