During your active military service, you received healthcare, dental and vision-care services from TRICARE. That coverage will end 90 days after your separation date. To ensure the continuity of your care, it is critical to determine your healthcare options prior to separating. Be sure to schedule your Separation Health Assessment at either a Department of Defense Medical facility or a VA facility where they will record any health conditions you have upon leaving the military.
Ideally, you may be able to secure healthcare coverage through your post-military employer. In the event you have an employment gap or other circumstances, two programs are available for those that qualify: Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) provides 180 days of healthcare coverage under TRICARE benefits, and the premium-based Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) which gives temporary healthcare coverage for 18 to 36 months when you lose TRICARE coverage. Visit tricare.mil/LifeEvents/Separating for more information.
Dental and Vision care insurance may also be secured through your post-military employer, or you may search for coverage in the marketplace. A variety of carriers provide coverage options for which you will pay premiums to ensure coverage. Be sure to compare deductibles and out-of-pocket costs as that should be part of your selection.
For more information on additional topics to consider in preparing for military separation, please see the following:
If you have questions, please contact an AAFMAA Member Benefits representative at 800-522-5221 and follow the prompts, or email: [email protected].
When you’re ready to retire, or to consider it, check out our 7 Decisions Before You Retire series for information about other choices you’ll need to make.