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What Veterans Need to Know About VA Health Care


All Veterans are eligible for VA Health Care when they leave the military. It’s an invaluable benefit you may appreciate more as you get older, but you could easily miss out on it – or find it more difficult to qualify for coverage – if you don’t enroll in it during the initial open window.

What Is VA Health Care and When Does It Start?

VA Health Care provides health services for those who have served the nation on active duty for at least 24 continuous months. Certain additional rules and qualifications apply, based on how long and where you served, and if you were injured while serving. You can read more about your VA Health Care eligibility at va.gov/health-care/eligibility.

VA hospitals and clinics are located across the country, making it possible for most Veterans to receive care at a VA clinic or hospital close to where they live or work. After your application has been approved, you will receive a welcome call from the VA. VA Health Care benefit starts after you receive your Veteran Health Identification Card (VUIC) and visit your VA hospital or clinic for a standard annual physical with your primary care provider. You can address all your healthcare needs at the VA, but your disability rating will affect how much you pay for your care. Also, if your care is related to an injury or illness connected to your service, the expense will be covered by the VA.

How to Register for VA Health Care

You will not be automatically enrolled in VA Health Care as a Veteran. Instead, you must apply for it by submitting a VA 10-10EZ form. Veterans have the opportunity to apply for VA Health Care for up to five years after they leave the service. After five years, income requirement will be applied, making it more challenging to qualify for VA Health Care.

Tip: No matter how long you have been out of the military, apply for VA Health Care. Don’t disqualify yourself by presuming you won’t be approved. Leave it up to the VA to confirm that you do not qualify.

You can apply online, by phone, by mail, or in person. You will need your Social Security Number, DD214, and proof of your income in case the VA needs it to determine your care eligibility. If you would like help filling out the application, consider enrolling in person to ensure you are registered with the correct VA clinic or hospital.

Keep in mind that VA Health Care is separate from VA Disability. If you have completed a VA Disability Claim, you must also register for VA Health Care to receive healthcare services. Your VA Disability rating will determine your priority number, which will affect your co-pays. Any care you require for an injury or illness will also be completely covered by the VA.

How VA Health Care Can Benefit You

Some people might think they don’t need VA Health Care benefits when leaving the military if they have health insurance through their work or even from military retirement. But VA Health Care is an earned benefit that can save you money by giving you a free healthcare option for some services. VA Health Care also provides additional benefits as you age and require more healthcare services. Additionally, if you get your ongoing healthcare through the VA, any issues that may be related to your military service can be documented, and you may be entitled to additional benefits in the future like those recently added by the 2022 PACT Act.

You never know when you will need this earned benefit so take the steps now to understand how you can ensure that you have access to VA Health Care could be vital in the future.

If you are leaving the military soon, or if you are a Veteran, make sure you are enrolled in VA Health Care. It is important to register and attend your yearly well visit check up to ensure you can use the benefits you earned.