Since 1879, AAFMAA has continuously provided our Members always-affordable life insurance and exclusive survivor assistance services, including expedited death benefit payments, securing all government benefits available, preparing government and insurance claims for the bereaved families of our Members, and providing physical and digital vault document storage.
Supporting the military family doesn’t end at the death of the military member, AAFMAA continues to support the deceased Member’s survivors by informing them of all new or available Government benefits that may be of benefit to them.
In addition to offering outstanding life insurance products and unmatched Member benefits, AAFMAA launched its two wholly-owned subsidiaries to increase the value of Membership and to more fully deliver on its mission. Since 2012, AAFMAA Wealth Management & Trust LLC has provided expert financial planning, investment management and trust administration services to military families. In 2016, AAFMAA Mortgage Services LLC began providing customized mortgage services to the military community.
For the generations to come, AAFMAA will still be here to provide financial services that “aid the families of the deceased members in a prompt, simple and substantial manner.”